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Simplicity Collab Series

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
PoopsNice.jpg This article is about a notable YouTube Poop.

This is a listing of the various collabs made over the years where no complex effects such as keyframing and masking can be used. Instead, the entries of these collabs are made to resemble poops from 2007 and earlier. The first collab was hosted by Smonge, with subsequent collabs hosted by chemistryguy and iamoutofideas1

Innovation in Simplicity (2011)[edit]

{{#ev:youtube|sRnNDQOw9TQ|320}}The Original Simplicity Collab hosted by Smonge

The first Simplicity Collab was hosted by Smonge.


  1. MrSHS43
  2. MountainDewMaNN
  3. chemistryguy
  4. JoeTheBlueDragon
  5. LinkOnDrugs
  6. Simon Belmont Painting
  7. DoomZappo
  8. gamerislanduk
  9. TheRaz0rEdge
  10. theFXexpert
  11. DiosBabilonia
  12. ImmaDocktuh
  14. Smonge
  15. StickerBoyTheNextGen
  16. Uwilmod
  17. Squidora
  18. Nesbroslash

A Visual Assault to the Senses (2012)[edit]

{{#ev:youtube|dHz-7xQFVeU|320}}The Second Simplicity Collab

The second Simplicity Collab was hosted by chemistryguy, who Smonge gave permission to carry out the collab.


  1. noisepuppet
  2. JabberCash/BottleOfPlastic
  4. MountainDewMaNN
  5. Likety
  6. DanFango700
  7. FishTitan64
  8. RevSecond
  9. Pilli10
  10. LightningLuigi
  11. MovieAcid
  12. BarneyIsPerverted
  13. Pikalax1
  14. CreepahWeegie
  15. EmperorLemon
  16. ufuckfacesonofabitch
  17. Smonge
  18. LinkOnDrugs
  19. Uwilmod
  20. chemistryguy
  21. youthboy14
  22. poblachtacha
  23. Geibuchan
  24. Simon Belmont Painting
  25. KevMcallister
  26. DinnerWarrior
  27. cs188
  28. Sandovart
  29. HaHaHound
  30. SporeDotCam
  31. TheKooperPooper
  32. MasterOfZoroark

5!mp1!c!ty The 3rd (Unofficial, 2012)[edit]

{{#ev:youtube|Jco7aAtXcvU|320}}The unofficial third Simplicity Collab

This collab was hosted by iamoutofideas1. However, it was not endorsed by Smonge.


  1. ProfesserCheeseBall
  2. therockmannumber1
  3. iamoutofideas1
  4. guitarocker100
  5. KeeperOfPorridge
  6. StickerBoyTheNextGen
  8. Likety
  9. OutcastLabs
  10. Keishcopp
  11. jeresoukkio
  12. Colinmaloneyshomebre
  13. SirSmeargle
  14. RandomClam24

Simply Simple (2013)[edit]

{{#ev:youtube|aWjXmscgqmc|320}}The 3rd Simplicity Collab.

The official third Simplicity Collab was hosted by Smonge.


  1. AustRock9080
  2. 1Superchops
  3. AlarmCopter
  4. morethanananimal
  6. UltraGrounder
  7. SonicOutlaw (Under his old username, AngrySpongeBobGuy)
  8. DoomZappo
  9. Drdreadfuk
  10. ImmaCornflakes
  11. HerrVarden
  12. ProfesserCheeseBall
  13. Zachtomcat
  14. JoeTheBlueDragon
  15. Magged Rat
  16. Unknown
  17. Markie
  18. DjensZooi
  19. Electricalmonks
  20. Cloaytonem2
  21. HarvestmanMan
  22. JabberCash/BottleOfPlastic
  23. CreepahWeegie
  24. MountainDewMaNN
  25. TheRubberFruitFace
  26. theFXexpert
  27. Chemistryguy
  28. SaturdayNightCleaner
  29. Squidora
  30. MortyOak
  31. Pikalax
  32. Father's Shout
  33. NationOfOranges696
  34. Guitarocker100
  35. countsmegula
  36. crimsonman5
  37. Sinnedtragedy98
  38. SpaghettiBicycle
  39. youngbloodfantasy
  40. Smonge
  41. TheOneManBoxOffice