YouChew (formerly named YouChewPoop from 2007 to 2011) was a label given to a variety of esoteric interests, the most prominent of which being an internet forum from 2007 to 2018 (with a short-lived revival from 2019-2020) dedicated to YouTube Poop, a name given to surrealist video remixes made for comedic effect. This domain is now home to archival content regarding the past incarnations of the website. The forum archives are provided courtesy of another webmaster, while the Chewiki and revival archives are both hosted under this domain.

Update as of January 6, 2024: The YouChew Archive Hub is undergoing a switch to WordPress, which unfortunately caused a glitch that has rendered the NewChew Archives offline in the meantime. We aim to have the archives back up promptly!

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Following the first and second closings of the YouChew forums and the closing of Neon Castle, has been revived as a read-only hub, while YTPMania has since been designated as the new hub for the community.

Originally launched in August 2018, the YTPMania forums have been undergoing renovations since July 2022, with the release of a dramatically overhauled CSS redesign and the return of the articles section resuming construction as of November 2023. Further updates regarding the site can be found at the YTPMania Twitter.

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For those who prefer Discord as their social media platform, another loosely affilated YouTube Poop community by the name of Pinchbacks is also open to budding YouTube Poopers and content creators alike.

The Tennis Isles Discord server is geared for the all-ages YouTube Poop Tennis (i.e. collaborative YTPing) crowd.
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore (Steam page), a new passion project spearheaded by a former YouChew admin/the mastermind behind the CDi Zelda remakes, is now available!

Pictured: Snake solemnly pays tribute to the inevitable, lasting changes of a community into which he devoted eleven years of his life. He has few feelings other than one that can vaguely be described as "melancholy".


Add whatever nonsense you want here. Remember that everything is public, comments have to be approved before appearing, and that the YouChew Archive Hub is managed by a different webmaster than the current manager of the aforementioned forum archives.