Are they Home Oh Secks You’ll? I Think So!

One of the early kings of sentence-mixing, NickShorts is the man to thank for the existence of Dr. Rabbit within the lexicon of YouTube Poop. With “Dr Rabbit’s disturbing advice”, he kicked off one of the more notable source-based subgenres of YTP later to made more popular through the videos of individuals such as Whelt and WalrusGuy. He was also well known for his frequent signature usage of Dave and the Magic Pearl (which along with Dr. Rabbit, were directly ripped from VHS copies NickShorts owned himself) and various TV commercials. One in particular, “Crazy Fox Tells You About The Greatest Pyramid Scheme Ever!” continues to grow in stature as one of his absolute best and funniest, often quoted by the older members of the community. His work can be found in the archive below.

Video Archive
